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  • panel quilts
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March 11, 2025
Two more finishes from Elsie Quilts

These are simple and easy. One is a panel growth chart and the other a combo of two blocks. Both used up some scraps, which makes me smile. I've another growth chart panel on the long arm. It might be done by the end of the day. It is only 11 am and only two interruptions so far!

Color is awful on this first one. It is a medium blue, not nearly as dark as this. The name, "Stuffies in Pale Moonlight" tells more about the colors and the lighter fabric. . . lots of teddy bears, etc. on it. It ...

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March 3, 2025
Free pattern for a panel quilt from Pieced Brain

Free pattern for a panel quilt

Download this easy, free pattern for a panel quilt, and get ready to WOW your friends with this lattice design! My motto has been “Glow with the Flow.” Now I can glow while wrapped in this quilt!


I designed Mystic, a 48″ x 68″ throw for the Jardin de Lune Glow, a glow-in-the-dark collection by Blank Quilting. The luminescent mushrooms, flowers, hummingbirds, moths, and butterflies transported me on a night journey through a magical garden, inspiring me as I translated the beautiful fabrics into a design that added ‘beams of moonlight’ (the light borders) while showcasing each print.

Choosing ...

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February 6, 2025
More from absent-minded me from Elsie Quilts

Just noticed that I didn't title my last post nor post the most previous comment. This does not mean I've stopped quilting or that I've had too many birthdays (well, maybe not) but am so booked up with new things that I keep forgetting some of the important necessities.

This past couple of weeks have consisted of dinners, visits, a funeral, meetings, much email, running errands, writing Bible study material, a birthday party for a 100 year-old friend, and having a few unexpected and bizarre things like a dream with a name in it of no one ...

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November 9, 2023
Free patterns for Thanksgiving quilts from Pieced Brain

Free patterns for Thanksgiving quilts

Download these free patterns for Thanksgiving quilts and be ready to welcome friends and family to your Thanksgiving Feast!

Blessed Bounty Quilt for Blank Quilting

I designed Blessed Bounty for the Late Summer Harvest collection by Blank Quilting a little while ago. The collection will be available in April 2024, yet I thought it would be cool to alert you to it right now so you can ask your local quilt store to carry it. I love the prints in this collection and I think you will love it, too!

Blessed Bounty measures 71-1/4″ x 71-1/4″ and the ...

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November 22, 2022
Free quilting patterns to download from Pieced Brain

Free quilting patterns to download

Here are 2 Free quilting patterns to download and make now! One panel quilt and one with easy piecing techniques for beginner quilters.

Anisa Quilt 1 – Click to download

Check out this beautiful quilt! I designed Quilt 1 for the Anisa collection by Satin Moon Designs for Blank Quilting. These colors are gorgeous, and I can’t stop looking at them. I have been waiting for the collection to begin shipping to quilt stores so that I can post the quilts here.

Quilt 1 measures 40″ x 60″. The panel is so intricately designed that I decided to use simple ...

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October 9, 2022
Lighthouses from Elsie Quilts

Someone gifted me with 6 yards of lighthouse panels. I was going to cut them up and make table runners, but didn't like the way they looked. So I cut them up and put them back together with some sashing between the blocks. There was enough trim to go all the way around as an outer border. It is big, about 90" x 92" or more. I ran out to the nearest fabric store and found a perfect backing. It is now on the longarm, batting on top of it, and waiting for me to have enough energy to ...

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June 16, 2020
Growing so Big from Elsie Quilts

Finished this in a few hours. It is much like the last one only it took less time to sew and quilt. I've several more panels for children and do them when the bigger quilts tire me out. It will to to Basically Babies.

Also still working on my 'squirrel' distraction, but other things keep interfering, like cooking, laundry and keeping the house uncluttered. Hubby is good to pitch in but he has been getting calls for work and now has three PCs, four keyboards, and five monitors in his den, plus printer, full-size copier, and you get the ...

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December 9, 2019
An easy finish • Jungle Stuffies from Elsie Quilts

Here is another charity quilt. I've a pile of panels suitable for children that will go to a charity called Basically Babies. They make layettes that will cover one year, including duds, quilts and blankets and even match colors etc. These go to families in need. This one was fun. I added borders to the panel and had fun with the quilting. It was a Panto called Gingersnap, but I added eyes and ears to the concentric circles and made them look like stuffy faces.

I'm also working on a guild challenge quilt. The first person gets a ...

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  • panel quilts
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